my breakfast today, was multigrain quick oats with some extremely ripe banana, ginger, cinnamon, wheatgerm, a few almonds, tiny bit of skim milk, along with some date muesli and plain cheerios :)
my goodness i have been awful, i wanted to post much sooner but, to be honest, just a few things were going on, i didn't feel the right to do it, and i didn't really have any photos :P i left my camera (ahh i just wrote camer and didn't notice for the longest time) at home, was a bit depressed about the whole moving things and felt that, even if it was here, i wouldn't feel "right" to take photos here, so i took some when i went home for a day or so. but, doesn't matter because its back, and im back, and im excited to write again. when the time was going by and i would look on the page and see other updates from bloggers, it would seem like this daunting task to write a post. but when you just start, things sort of come to you, and it's nice not to just worry about photos, or having the right pictures, food, etc. i hope its okay if i do some more writing and thought/every day stuff, as opposed to just food. or food-related. i don't have much of a theme but i like to include things i really love like fashion, photography, film of course (acting).
credit to weheart it, i've been eating oats with almonds, not apple but more of a dried fruit medley
i've started enjoying adding photos to tumblr. such a strange word, i'm probably not pronouncing it properly. i had one a while ago but didn't get into it, and recently went on and its sort of cathartic, its just that i have photos that i love and see and i just enjoy certain photos, if that makes sense, but just keeping them to yourself isn't the same as sharing them. and you have follwers, ahh thats odd. its really exciting when someone follows you but its pressuring right? you feel the need to keep adding more and more and sometimes i'll be on for like an hour its addicting. then i leave and sort of forget. then get caught up in it again. i swear i do other things though! like work gahh, lots of school. try to run and walk, lots of errands like grocery shopping, cleaning dishes, eating, sleeping a bit. going out a bit. i feel like i have no purpose though.
hmm so oscars, academy awards, eee, i need to see the films that are nominated, so far i've seen black swan (i won't get into that here but i was blown away), honestly that's it. ohh alice and wonderland has an artistic-type nod. i really want to see the fighter, true grit (partially because the girl nominated is like 13 or something!) and the social network, a few others. oh wait ahh how could i forget, this film was nominated in so many different categories...the king's speech. have i not mentioned it on here??? i saw it a while ago but HOLY SHIT LOVE. one of the best films i've seen in my life. everything about it, the acting (GEEEZ) and the storyline, the cinematography, the message, the music and just everything.
oh my gosh i just finished reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. one of my favourite novels in the world i think. i loved it so much, everything, i was so excited then thought perhaps i'd worked myself up too much, but after like half a page i knew it was amazing, the narrative is so lovely and honestly hilarious, its very sad too but narrated by three different characters, and you can just hear them speak, especially Aibileen and when i read the first page of hers i was just laughing out loud :) i kept picturing emma stone, since they're making a film and she plays one of the women.
i just read a quote, "sometimes finishing a good book is like saying goodbye to a best friend". so true, i get attached to things. when it was over, i just thought...what now? :( im not sure if its one of those that i can return to frequently and read again. so i hope the film comes out soon :) i do own the book though, my parents gave it to me for christmas and its this gorgeous hardcover and the slip is beautiful, this yellow colour, orange almost too.
my parents are away and i haven't really been home in a while, or properly spoken with them, apart from emails and such.
my baby evey is here with us while my parents are on vacation for a month. that's quite nice, but of course she needs to be cared or, litterbox and food and what not :P i really love her though
i have to go do errands and work and try to figure some stuff out. stay amazing, and i hope someone's still out there...
i'll leave you with a quote, discovered on this love's blog a little while ago, by the wise audrey:
Time-Tested Beauty Tipsi just read a quote, "sometimes finishing a good book is like saying goodbye to a best friend". so true, i get attached to things. when it was over, i just thought...what now? :( im not sure if its one of those that i can return to frequently and read again. so i hope the film comes out soon :) i do own the book though, my parents gave it to me for christmas and its this gorgeous hardcover and the slip is beautiful, this yellow colour, orange almost too.
my parents are away and i haven't really been home in a while, or properly spoken with them, apart from emails and such.
i miss my rabbit bowl :( (and them too)
but c'est la vie eh? it won't be too long plus i go by to check on things, have some tea, laundry :P my brother does as well. but he'd rather not of course. though ive been eating just couscous essentially for many dinners...with some veggies and ccheese for protein. i don't know what to do. honestly. i feel like shit all the time. i look like shit and more. my stomach is messed up and im scared and unhappy. my brother comes home and he says, couscous again aren't you tired...cook some meat. but that scares me, i don't know if i'll cook it right. but i've got to figure out something.
but c'est la vie eh? it won't be too long plus i go by to check on things, have some tea, laundry :P my brother does as well. but he'd rather not of course. though ive been eating just couscous essentially for many dinners...with some veggies and ccheese for protein. i don't know what to do. honestly. i feel like shit all the time. i look like shit and more. my stomach is messed up and im scared and unhappy. my brother comes home and he says, couscous again aren't you tired...cook some meat. but that scares me, i don't know if i'll cook it right. but i've got to figure out something.
my baby evey is here with us while my parents are on vacation for a month. that's quite nice, but of course she needs to be cared or, litterbox and food and what not :P i really love her though
i have to go do errands and work and try to figure some stuff out. stay amazing, and i hope someone's still out there...
i'll leave you with a quote, discovered on this love's blog a little while ago, by the wise audrey:
~audrey hepburn~
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with knowledge you’ll never walk alone.
We leave you with tradition with a future.
The tender loving care of human beings will never become obsolete.
People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed and redeemed and redeemed.
Never throw out anybody.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, and one for helping others.
Your ‘good old days’ are still ahead of you, may you have many of them
i hope you have amazingly wonderful and magical days & more
lots of love
i hope you have amazingly wonderful and magical days & more
lots of love
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