...i have absolutely no idea what i've got on... :P
i want to post today about my love for films...and just favourite movies and clips, etc. hope that's okay. i have a passion for acting and admire so many people, so I like to watch films as it inspires me to go for my dream, and also is just an emotional experience and stuff, if that makes any sense...
Little Miss Sunshine...eeeeekk i love this movie. abigail breslin is so great, and i love toni collette and alan arkin. the film is sad, funny, quircky...if you haven't seen is please do so immediately. here's a pretty short scene:
"i won i won i wooon"
(okay i'm not even sure i'm allowed to post these so they might be taken down, but credit goes to youtube slash the users)
but the movie is about a little girl (olive hoover) who ends up getting into the finals of a beauty pagent in california, so the whooole family takes a road trip and stuff happens. next is ..
i really loved the book, and the film was good but i mainly watched it for the actors :)

this movie is sooo funny :) just a random photo but its called "i could never be your woman"
so a bit of a fail, these are just random films and not necessarily my absolute loves but GUESS WHAAAT?....................................
I just found this apparently new photo (slash many photos) of dakota labeled vogue outtakes? what issue will this be??? ahhhhhhhhh so excited linked heeeere

xox hope your days were amazing :)
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