sort of like this...minus the blubes though i meant to put some it:P
i really wish i could take photos like this, many of you post, no wait
all of you post exquisite photos of amazing quality and uniqueness
(courtesy to getty images)
im so dead. tired..and beat. ahhh my god i haven't posted in so long but legit legit legitttt i have had no time. and it sucks, coming from having a lot of time to do things, and being a girl who likes to plan things, have a bit of free time, time to myself...anxieties...sort of sucked. i'm working at a day camp and its like allll day craziness, no time to eat, hardly time for a nice breaky since i get up so early and can't stomach too much, im so nervous and icky and ibs-ey? (maybe not though...) and just wow its been a tough little while. but i have this weekend for a lil breaky break. my parents went away though, so its a tad lonely though i have a few things planned. other than breathing. i was at training for this job the week before last and then away on the weekend without internet, and so far i come home and just try to shower off the day (and little kids), have a snacky and tea and then like sleep not long after dinner. well sort of. i feel like a bundle of mess pretty much. and i probably look like one, i don't look to well aha sort of like a sickly person perhaps. not thin but i mean just unhealthy. i think its just because im preoccupied though, with myself probably :S..
snapped up north before the actual job started, right before popping
in the car to go back to the city
anywho...that is all i will say about that, but honestly i'm not loving things at the moment. i mean i feel just sick all the time, intolerant to so many things, nauseous a lot and other stomach issues and grossness which i won't mention, so like food is a fear for me, i can't enjoy things, and i have hardly any time to breathe. but i am having a bit of fun at the job though. :) the only photos are from a little while ago, and a few current ones. i was at my cottage before the actual job began, though the training was the week before.
a sample lunch from last weekend, this past week i don't even want
to share mine as i packed something nut free, something that would
stand the heat, eaten in a rush, crowded noisy room
i've been so stupid today, crying like 3 times before noon :) aha this morning my parents were leaving and we argued about something and my dad mentioned that i was up early...it was like just before 8am but this past week i had to get up at 6 ish for work, so i thought i had slept in. on top of that for some reason even though i'm exhausted i woke up at 5 and had trouble falling back asleep so i was just sensitive about everything and i started crying, then again after they left because im alone and then i totally forgot to take my probiotic after breaky so im just upset with myself, and worried about what will happen as a result/consequence (?). but like honestly i bawled for those reasons...how sad is that????
onto better things...baked this with my mommyyy last weekend when we were at the cottage with my dad, and his mother was there. apple crisp yummm :) i also baked some (i think so) nut-free ish bars today so hopefully i can take those to work with me. blurry picture though!
my brother is coming over tonight though so that will be nice. i'm making the same thing as usual, veggie stir fry. :) every time he comes i happen to be making that since i don't like cooking meat when i'm by myself and i love to make this.
so i have campers, and though i am complaining about things like germs, and lack of any break (since we are with them constantly through lunch and swimming and all) they are cute :) aha i mean in their own way. most of them want to talk and be around you (i don't want to jynx that!) but yea i mean it's been tough for me, not sure why, but in a sense its probably good for me. what are you all up to for the summer?
you know what i've been listening to so much, wavin' flag/call me freedom/when i get older..whatever you call it. i had heard it but didn't make the K'naan connection, and he's canadian too :) we played dance-freeze with the girls this week and they all knew the words, im talking like 5-6 year olds belting and it was so cool to hear, plus its like we were all recognizing our country, though i didn't think they made that connection :P :P but it was cute to dance with them and sing.
sorry for such a negative post, but it had been too long and i wanted to just contribute to the blogging community. :P. i hope you're all doing well, and hopefully i'll post again in a bit.
lots of love
*hug* and warm smiles
ReplyDeletefeel well today .. xoxox
your lunch looks fantastic!
thanks :) xox hugs to you too
ReplyDeletesorry you have been so anxious love. I worked at a camp once too and it was hard work! yes, the kids were adorable, but they got on my nerves! I hate always being in a rush too...I am dreading next year when I have to wake up so early for class, but sometimes you just gotta take what life throws at ya and go with the flow ya know? And sorry you are so sad =( Don't worry about crying!! It can be healthy sometimes
ReplyDeleteI looove that song by K'nann. I didn't know he was Canadian?!
Glad to hear from you. I really like your posts, but sorry you are feelin down
hey annie :) thanks so much. i hope you're having a great summer love. xox